[Grammar in Use Intermediate] Unit 6. Past Continuous
과거시제를 공부한 것에 이어서 과거진행형에 대해 공부해보겠습니다.
☞ 과거진행형은 이전의 특정 시간 때에 어떤 일을 하고 있는 것을 의미합니다. 그 행동이나 상황이 이미 시작되었으나 그 특정 시간 때에는 끝나지 않은 상태입니다.
- This time last year I was living in Brazil.
- What were you doing at 10:00 last night?
- I waved to Helen, but she wasn't looking.
☞ 과거진행형과 단순과거를 비교해보면 다음과 같습니다.
Past continuous (in the middle of an action) |
Simple past (complete action) |
- I was walking home when I met Dave. - Kate was watching television when we arrived. |
- I walked home after the party last night. - Kate watched television a lot when she was sick last year. |
- Matt burned his hand while he was cooking dinner.
- It was raining when I got up.
- I saw you in the park yesterday. You were sitting on the grass and reading a book.
☞ 하지만 순차적으로 어떤 일이 끝난 후에 다른 일이 발생했을 때는 단순과거를 사용합니다.
- I was walking downtown when I saw Dave. So I stopped, and we talked for a while.
이 예문에서 "내가 Dave를 봤을 때 나는 downtown으로 걸어가고 있었다"라는 의미이므로 was walking이 쓰였고, "그래서 나는 멈췄고 잠시동안 이야기했다"이므로 stopped 와 talked로 표현했습니다.
When Karen arrived, we were having dinner.
(=we had already started before she arrived.) Karen이 도착하기 전에 이미 우리가 먹고 있었음. |
When Karen arrived, we had dinner.
(=Karen arrived, and then we had dinner together.) Karen이 도착한 뒤 우리가 저녁을 먹었음. |
☞ know와 want 같은 몇몇 동사는 진행형에 쓰이지 않습니다.
- We were good friends. We knew each other well. (not We were knowing)
- I was having a good time at the party, but Chris wanted to go home. (not was wanting)