너와 나, 우리

Regular and Irregular Verbs (규칙동사와 불규칙동사) 본문


Regular and Irregular Verbs (규칙동사와 불규칙동사)

달라 2017. 7. 20. 20:00

영어 공부에서 알면 쉽고 모르면 답답한 규칙 동사와 불규칙 동사를 정리하고자 합니다.

이번 기회에 다시 한 번 개념을 정리하고 완벽하게 이해하고 넘어가야겠습니다.

1. Regular Verbs

If a verb is regular, the simple past and past participle end in -ed.
☞ 규칙 동사인 경우. 단순과거와 과거완료 시제에서 -ed 로 끝납니다.

For example:

Simple Past
Past Participle
2. Irregular Verbs

When the simple past and past participle do not end in -ed (for example, I saw / I have seen), the verb is irregular.
단순과거와 과거완료에서 -ed 로 끝나는 않는 동사를 불규칙 동사라고 합니다.

With some irregular verbs, all three forms (base, simple past, and past participle) are the same.
어떤 불규칙 동사들은 기본 형, 단순과거, 그리고 과거완료 세 가지의 표현 형태가 모두 같습니다.

For example, hit:
- Don't hit me. (base)
- Somebody hit me as I came into the room. (simple past)
- I've never hit anybody in my life. (past participle - present perfect)
- George was hit on the head by a stone. (past participle - passive)

With other irregular verbs, the simple past is the same as the past participle (but different from the base form).
다른 불규칙 동사들은 기본 형은 다르지만 단순 과거와 과거완료의 형태는 서로 같습니다.

For example, tell → told:
- Can you tell me what to do? (base)
- She told me to come back the next day. (simple past)
- Have you told anybody about your new job? (past participle - present perfect)
- I was told to come back the next day. (past participle - passive)

With other irregular verbs, all three forms are different.
그 외의 다른 불규칙동사들은 세 가지 형태가 모두 다릅니다.

For example, wake → woke/woken:
- I'll wake you up. (base)
- I woke up in the middle of the night. (simple past)
- The baby has woken up. (past participle - present perfect)
- I was woken up by a loud noise. (past participle - passive)

3. List of Irregular Verbs

다음 파일은 불규칙 동사들 목록입니다. 많이 보고 쓰면서 눈에 익어야 할 것 같습니다.


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